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A value pack or bonus pack is a set of Nerf products that generally serve as an alternate version of a product with extra included accessories or ammunition.

There are currently five value pack types, including Special Value, Super Value, Great Value, Bonus, and Special Edition.

A type of value pack known as Double Your Darts is a series of sets that package certain blasters with double the amount of darts or discs.

Dart Tag[]

Name Description
NDTLStrikefireset NDTL Strikefire Super Value Pack
Two Strikefires, two official NDTL Dart Tag vests, two sets of Vision Gear, twenty Tagger Micro Whistler Darts, and two ammo bags.


Name Description
BarrelBreaktacticallight Barrel Break IX-2 Special Value Pack
Barricadestockpackaging Barricade RV-10 Special Value Pack
A Barricade RV-10, ten Whistler Darts, and a Barricade shoulder stock.
Barricadestockpackaging Barricade RV-10 Special Value Pack
A Barricade RV-10 and thirty Whistler Darts.
DeployCS6RefillAndReload Deploy CS-6 Refill and Reload!
Deploy specialvaluepack Deploy CS-6 Special Value Pack
A Deploy CS-6, three six dart clips, eighteen Streamline Darts, and a Flip Clip.
DiskShotValuePack1 Disk Shot Special Value Pack
A Disk Shot, two Maverick REV-6 blasters, ten Foam Disks, twenty-four Micro Darts, a tactical rail remote, an AC adapter, and instructions.
DiskShotValuePack2 Disk Shot Special Value Pack
A Disk Shot, a Firefly REV-8, eight Foam Disks, eight Micro Darts, a tactical rail remote, an AC adapter, and instructions.
DiskShotValuePack3 Disk Shot Special Value Pack
A Disk Shot, an Element EX-6, eight Foam Disks, twelve Micro Darts, a tactical rail remote, an AC adapter, and instructions.
DiskShotSpecialValueNiteFinder Disk Shot Special Value Pack
A Disk Shot, a Nite Finder EX-3, eight Foam Disks, three Micro Darts, a tactical rail remote, an AC adapter, and instructions.
Longshotvaluepack Longshot CS-6 Super Value Pack
A Longshot CS-6, two six dart clips, a Dual-Mode Light Beam, a Recon barrel extension, and twenty-four Streamline Darts.
Longshot SpecialValuebox Longshot CS-6 Special Value Pack
A Longshot CS-6, one tactical light, two six dart clips, and twelve Streamline Darts.
LongstrikeRefillandReload LongStrike CS-6 Refill and Reload!
A LongStrike CS-6, a six dart clip, and twelve Streamline Darts.
Nerfnstrikelongstrikespecialvaluepack LongStrike CS-6 Special Value Pack
A LongStrike CS-6, three six dart clips, eighteen Streamline Darts, and a Bandolier Strap.
Raider2drum Raider Rapid Fire CS-35 Bonus Pack
A Raider Rapid Fire CS-35, two thirty-five dart drums, and seventy Streamline Darts.
RaiderSpecialValuePack Raider Rapid Fire CS-35 Special Value Pack
A Raider Rapid Fire CS-35, a thirty-five dart drum, two six dart clips, a Flip Clip, and sixty-five Streamline Darts.
Raider100 Raider Rapid Fire CS-35 Special Value Pack
A Raider Rapid Fire CS-35, a thirty-five dart drum, and one hundred Streamline Darts.
ReconCS6Scope Recon CS-6 Bonus Pack
A Recon CS-6, one six dart clip, six Streamline Darts, and a Sharpshot Scope.
Reconspecialedition Recon CS-6 Special Edition Pack
A Recon CS-6, two six dart clips, and twelve Streamline Darts.
Stampede100 Stampede ECS Special Value Pack
A Stampede ECS, three eighteen dart clips, one six dart clip, a Blast Shield, a Pop-Out Bipod, and one hundred Streamline Darts.
Vulcanvalue Vulcan EBF-25 Super Value Pack
A Vulcan EBF-25, a ammo box, a tripod, fifty Whistler Darts, two twenty-five dart belts, and a shoulder strap.

N-Strike Elite[]

Name Description
DemolisherBonuspkCA Demolisher 2-In-1 Bonus Pack
A Demolisher 2-In-1, two banana clips, and twenty Elite Darts.
Costco exclusive in the United States and Canada; Rossmann exclusive in Germany.
HailFireBonus Hail-Fire Bonus Pack
A Hail-Fire, eight six dart clips, and forty-eight Elite Darts.
Walmart exclusive.
Hyperfire valuepack HyperFire Value Pack
A HyperFire, two twenty-five dart drums, fifty Elite Darts, and instructions.
Costco exclusive in the United States.
Rampagevalue Rampage Special Value Pack
A Rampage, one twenty-five dart drum, one eighteen dart clip, and forty-three Elite Darts.
RapidstrikeBonus RapidStrike CS-18 Rapid Reload Bonus Pack
A RapidStrike CS-18, two eighteen dart clips, and thirty-six Elite Darts.
Walmart exclusive in the United States and Müller exclusive in Germany.
Elite Rhino Fire Rhino-Fire Special Value Pack
A Rhino-Fire, four twenty-five dart drums, one hundred Elite Darts, and instructions.
RoughCut boxbonusbando Rough Cut 2x4 Bonus Pack
A Rough Cut 2x4, twenty-four Elite Darts, and a variation of the Bandolier Strap that holds twenty-four darts and one clip.
Walmart exclusive.
SurgeFire valuepack SurgeFire Value Pack
A SurgeFire, drum, forty-five Elite Darts, and instructions.
Costco exclusive.

AccuStrike Series[]

Name Description
FalconFire valuepack FalconFire Bonus Pack
A FalconFire, a Dart Storage accessory, twelve AccuStrike Darts, and instructions.
RaptorStrikeValuePack RaptorStrike Value Pack
A RaptorStrike, a bipod, four six dart clips, thirty-six AccuStrike Darts, and instructions.
Walmart exclusive in the United States.

N-Strike Mega[]

Name Description
Magnus value pack Magnus Bonus Pack
A Magnus and twelve Mega Darts.
Walmart exclusive in the United States.
Mega Mastodon value pack packaging Mega Mastodon Value Pack
A Mega Mastodon, seventy-two Mega Darts, and instructions.
Costco exclusive in the United States.
ThunderBow valuepack Mega ThunderBow Bonus Pack
A Mega ThunderBow, ten Mega Darts, a Jolt, three Elite Darts, and three targets.
Walmart exclusive in the United States.
Megalodon Value Megalodon Value Pack
A Megalodon, sixty Mega Darts, and instructions.
Costco exclusive in the United States.

N-Strike Modulus[]

Name Description
Modulus valuepack Modulus ECS-10 Value Pack
A Modulus ECS-10, twenty-four Elite Darts, a Flip Clip, a Storage Stock, a Targeting Scope, and instructions.
Kohl's exclusive in the United States.
Tri-StrikeValuePackBox Tri-Strike With Accessories
A Tri-Strike, a Missile Launcher Stock, a Mega Dart Barrel Extension, a twelve dart clip, a Grip Blaster, a Targeting Light Beam, a Tactical Light, twelve Elite Darts, four Mega Dart (N-Strike Mega)s, one Elite Missile, and instructions.


Secrets & Spies[]

Name Description
StrongheartBow SpecialValue Strongheart Bow Special Value Pack
A Strongheart Bow, one Message Dart, eleven Collectible Darts, and a message decoder.


Name Description
Lumitronvalue Lumitron Value Pack
Nitronbonus Nitron Bonus Value Pack

Zombie Strike[]

Name Description
Slingfire25Drumpk SlingFire Value Pack
A SlingFire, a twenty-five dart drum, and thirty-one Zombie Strike Darts.
Exclusive to Kohl's in the United States and to Galeria Kaufhof department stores in Germany.
Doominator specialvalue Doominator Value Pack
A Doominator, aTargeting Scope, and fifty Zombie Strike Darts.

See also[]
