Nerf Wiki

The Triple Torch is a Nerf blaster that was released in 1998 under the Mega Blitz series.

It comes packaged with one Mega Dart, two Micro Darts, and a Gear Tooth Arrow.


The Triple Torch is a direct-prime-action blaster designed to fire three different types of ammunition from the same barrel: Mega Darts, Micro Darts, and its unique Gear Tooth Arrows. There are three spots next to the barrel to store additional ammunition, with one on each side, and one on top of it.

The included Gear Tooth Arrows have a loose fit on the Triple Torch's barrel. Other arrow types, such as standard 9" arrows, reportedly work better with the Triple Torch.[3] SuperMAXX Darts also reportedly work much better with the Triple Torch than Mega Darts.[3]


At one point in 1998, it was re-released with new stickers of the Nerf logos of the time.

The Triple Torch sold well enough to be listed as a "Perennial Best-Seller" in 2000.[4]


  • The Triple Torch is the smallest blaster in the Mega Blitz line. It is the only Mega Blitz blaster to fire arrows.
  • The Triple Torch gets its name from its appearance, which resembles a futuristic butane torch. The "triple" in the name comes from its ability to fire three different types of ammunition.
  • The Jolt EX-1 looks and operates very similar to the Triple Torch. It is possible that this blaster may have inspired the appearance and design of the Jolt EX-1.
  • This is one of only three Nerf blasters to fire three different types of ammunition, the other two being the SuperMAXX 5000 and the N-Strike Modulus Tri-Strike.
    • The Triple Torch is the only blaster of these three to fire multiple ammunition types without the use of additional barrels or accessories.
  • The underside of the priming handle can be used to store a second arrow.[3]



  1. TripleTorch(TM) (Review). Nerf Reviewed!. Archived from the original on 2016-03-31. Retrieved on 2014-02-22. TripleTorch (TM).

  2. 2.0 2.1
    NerfCenter logo Michal, M.. NC Review - Nerf® TripleTorch(TM) (Review). NerfCenter. Archived from the original on 2016-03-31. Retrieved on 2023-07-31.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2
    YouTube logo Slendoo-Man (2022-05-12). Triple Torch Firing Demo(Nerf Wiki) (Video). YouTube. Retrieved on 2022-05-13.
  4. NerfCenter logo Larami Expands Nerf® Line for 2000 (Article). NerfCenter (2000-06-11). Archived from the original on 2017-09-07. Retrieved on 2014-09-21.