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Not to be confused with the N-Strike Tech Target Eliminator or the Dart Tag Eliminator.

The Tech Target Eliminator, also known as the Tech Target Blaster, is a Nerf blaster that was released in 2003 under the 2003 series.

It comes packaged in the Tech Target Set and cannot be purchased separately.


The Tech Target Eliminator is a single-fire spring-powered blaster that is muzzle loaded and can hold two extra darts below it, much like the Nite Finder. A small set of iron sights are on top of the blaster to help align shots. This was one of the last blasters to fire Screamin' Mega Darts, other than the Starscream Barrel Roll Blaster and the Optimus Prime Battle Rig Blaster.

It features no air restrictor, but it does not have a reverse barrel like early Mega Dart blasters. Instead, it has ridges on both sides and the bottom of the barrel, as well as two vent holes on the top of the barrel. This allows the air to escape around the would-be projectile if something other than a foam dart is inserted in the barrel.

The barrel diameter of the original Tech Target Eliminator is 0.68". As a result, it will not fire Micro or Elite Darts.


The Tech Target Eliminator, along with the Tech Target Set, was re-released in 2004 under the Action Blasters series.

An N-Strike variant of the blaster was packaged with a newer green version of the Tech Target in 2007. This version of the blaster was very similar except the blaster fired Micro Darts instead of Mega Darts.

