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Not confirmed by Hasbro... but how about Kohl's? They have it on their website. Link It's common practive for Hasbro not to announce exclusives, but leave it to the store(s).

Also, a "way to get rid of unusued parts"? That sounds like an urban legend. I recently purchased the Toys"R"Us exclusive "Elite"-colored re-release of the Longshot CS-6, which also comes with an N-Strike era six dart clip. The dart sports a five-digit manufacturing date stamp that starts with a "5", indicating it was manufactured in 2015. Also, the shoulder stock for the Apha Trooper CS-6 Mission Kit is redecoed. Despite the common fan term "repaint", a redeco does not literally mean "old product with new paint slapped on top". It's a new producton run using existng tooling but new plastic colors.Nevermore (talk) 20:17, October 29, 2015 (UTC)

History and places located[]

I was wondering if I need to cite a source if I say that the mission kit has been seen in countries other than Signapore.  I have found them in the U.S, and the page itself states that it is a Kohl's exclusive in the U.S.

Just checking. Hamburgercat4 (talk) 20:50, November 22, 2015 (UTC)

Citing where it's been seen isn't really necessary. If it's exclusive to a specific store then that should be listed, but otherwise the article doesn't have to list every place the product has been seen at. This is usually moreso a problem when people start listing what stores new products have been released early in, especially stuff that hasn't been confirmed by Hasbro. Jet [TalkContributions] 03:10, November 23, 2015 (UTC)
Ok.  Thanks for letting me know.  It's my first time doing this and I wasn't sure. Hamburgercat4 (talk) 16:05, November 23, 2015 (UTC)