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A Super Dart is a type of Dart Zone dart that was released in 2018.

They are also available under the Adventure Force line as the Waffle Tip Dart.


Sureshot Series Super Darts are a type of Dart Zone and Adventure Force ammunition, similar in shape and size to the Nerf Elite Dart. Unlike the previous Super Darts, these feature a waffled dart head instead of a streamlined one. This allows the heads to safely compress when striking a target without compromising much precision. The dart head has the same diameter as the dart body, which may cause a lot of friction in blasters with compression barrels.

The darts advertise a firing range of ninety to a hundred feet (twenty-seven to thirty meters), though firing range is a function of a blaster, not the darts used.

Official description[]


Sureshot Series Super Darts are the successor to the original Super Dart. The Dart Zone variant was later renamed to Sureshot Dart, dropping the Super Dart part of its name altogether.

In 2021, a contest was held on Dart Zone's Instagram page, where a new community-picked name was chosen for the Super Dart: the "Waffle Tip" Dart. This matches the name used for the Adventure Force variant of the ammunition.

Reception of the dart has been very positive. Many experienced Nerfers consider them superior Nerf's Elite Darts due to their excellent precision, low cost, and availability at large retail stores. It has been noted, however, that their velocity is slightly lower than Elite Darts, and the design of the heads makes their performance in blasters with fully-sealed breeches somewhat inconsistent.

Refill sizes[]

Sureshot Series Super Dart[]

Sureshot Series Super Dart refill packs come in the following sizes:

Size Price
70 sureshot 70 ?
100 surefire DZ 100 ?
Dart zone 200 surefire 200 ?

Waffle Tip Dart[]

Waffle Tip Dart refill packs come in the following sizes:

Size Price
100 surefire AF 100 6.88 USD United States of America
Adventure 200 surefire 200 9.97 USD United States of America
500 sureshot 500 19.98 USD United States of America


  • Dart Zone claims that their Super Darts fly up to ninety feet, but Adventure Force claims that their Waffle Tip Darts fly up to a hundred feet.
  • Renders of the dart depict it as having a tapered head. However, the actual heads are the same diameter as the body.

Official videos[]
