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The Star-Lord Quad Blaster is a Nerf blaster that was released in 2014 to promote the film Guardians of the Galaxy.

Included contents[]


The Star-Lord Quad Blaster is a slide-action muzzle-loading blaster. It is modeled after Star-Lord's Element Gun weapons from the movie.

It has four barrels, split into two sets of two, all functioning off of a single firing trigger. Each set has a main barrel, which is always exposed, and a secondary, hidden barrel, which normally is covered up by a plastic shell. This shell can be flipped up and out of the way by pulling a smaller, secondary trigger under the firing trigger. Each set of barrels uses an intelligent air restrictor system, allowing a single dart to be fired from either barrel.

The trigger to expose the hidden barrels, if carefully pressed, has two stages; the lower secondary barrel can be exposed separately from the upper secondary barrel, but it can only be exposed independently while holding down the cover of the upper barrel until the button is released.

There are two priming slides on the blaster, one for each set of barrels. When the trigger is pulled, one dart will fire from both sets of barrels at the same time. It is possible to fire from only the upper or lower barrels by cycling only the matching slide.

Reloading and firing[]

To reload the Star-Lord Quad Blaster, load up to four darts into the barrels from the muzzle. If necessary, pull the bottom trigger to reveal the two hidden barrels for loading, then close the outer barrels again.

Pull back both small priming slides to prime the blaster. Pull the top firing trigger to fire the two inner darts. Pull the bottom trigger to reveal the two hidden barrels for firing. Cycle both slides again and pull the upper trigger to launch both outer darts.

The Star-Lord Quad Blaster has difficulty firing Micro Darts and its variants. This is due to their weight interfering with the mechanism that directs air pressure between the barrels. Due to the space between the barrel and the cover, the secondary dart will be partially ejected, unless it is a Micro Dart or Tagger Micro Whistler Dart, with a big enough tip to stay still in.

