Nerf Wiki

The Pulsator is a Nerf blaster that was released in 1998 under the Mega Blitz series.

Included contents[]


The Pulsator is a pump-action ball blaster that was, at the time of its release, advertised as the "fasted Nerf ball shooter ever." It has two muzzle-loaded barrels that hold three balls each, with a total capacity of six balls at once. As the blaster is fired, the barrels alternate fire and extend and contract as they are fired from.

It lacks a firing trigger and is instead fired through HAMP-action.


  • It was featured as a weapon in Nerf Arena Blast.
  • Its barrel style wouldn't be used again until the release of the N-Strike Elite Rhino-Fire.
  • This blaster has become well-known among the Nerfing community for its extremely repetitive commercial.


Official videos[]


  1. NerfCenter logo Michal, M.. NC Review - Nerf® Pulsator(TM) (Review). NerfCenter. Archived from the original on 2016-03-31. Retrieved on 2023-06-30.
  2. Nerf Pulsator (Review). Dart Strike. Archived from the original on 2016-03-31. Retrieved on 2023-06-30.

External links[]
