Nerf Wiki

Nerf Dog is a series of Nerf-branded Gramercy Products dogs toys that was released in fall of 2013.


Nerf Dog products are made with either rubber, plastic, nylon, or thermo plastic rubber materials, allowing for improved performance and endurance. Products include balls, discs, and other "canine retrieving toys".


The Nerf Dog series was first announced on June 18, 2013.[1]

The series would later open up to include Super Soaker products that were designed for use with water.

Nerf Dog products[]


Name Year released
TennisBallBlaster Tennis Ball Blaster 2016
Tennisblaster16in Tennis Ball Blaster (medium) 2017
Dogtreatblaster Dog Treat Blaster 2021
Tennisultrablaster Ultra Max Distance Tennis Ball Blaster 2021
StompLauncher Stomp Launcher ?
Tennisblaster12in Tennis Ball Blaster (small) ?


Name Year released
3ringtug 3 Ring Tuff Tug 2013
Crunchball Crunch Ball 2013
CrunchableFootball Crunchable Football 2013
ElasticNylonFootballLauncher Elastic/Nylon Football Launcher 2013
Extendableballthrower Extendable Ball Thrower 2013
Feederfootballs Feeder Football 2013
Howlerflyer Howler Flyer 2013
Infinitytug Infinity Tug 2013
Jaiailiballthrower Jai-ali Ball Thrower 2013
Nylonflyer Nylon Flyer 2013
Nylonretriever Nylon Retriever Football Flyer 2013
Nylontuff Nylon Tuff Tug Football Rope 2013
RubberBarbellChew Rubber Barbell Chew 2013
Tennisball Rubber-Protected Tennis Ball 2013
Squeakerfootball Squeaker Football 2013
Toughtugfootball Tough Tug Football 2013
Tprflyer TPR Flyer 2013
2HandleTuffTug 2-Handle Tuff Tug ?
AtomicFlyer Atomic Flyer ?
BashBarbell Bash Barbell ?
BashBallDog Bash Ball ?
BashCrunchBall Bash Crunch Ball ?
BashFootball Bash Football ?
BashSqueakBall Bash Squeak Ball ?
BashTennisBall Bash Tennis Ball ?
BlitzSqueakFootball Blitz Squeak Football ?
CheckerCrunchBall Checker Crunch Ball ?
CheckerSqueakBall Checker Squeak Ball ?
ClassicSqueakFootball Classic Squeak Football ?
ClassicTennisBall Classic Tennis Ball ?
LightningStrikeFlyer Lightning Strike Flyer ?
NylonZoneFlyer Nylon Zone Flyer ?
ReactorHexBall Reactor Hex Ball ?
RubberCurveBall Rubber Curve Ball ?
SoccerCrunchBall Soccer Crunch Ball ?
SoccerSqueakBall Soccer Squeak Ball ?
SolidFoamSonicBall Solid Foam Sonic Ball ?
SpiralSqueakFootball Spiral Squeak Ball ?
SqueakBall Squeak Ball ?
SqueakCrab Squeak Crab ?
SqueakCroc Squeak Crocodile ?
SqueakFootball Squeak Football ?
SqueakShark Squeak Shark ?
SqueakStick Squeak Stick ?
TeetherFootball Teether Football ?
TireFeeder Tire Feeder ?
TireFlyer Tire Flyer ?
TireInfinityTug Tire Infinity Tug ?
TireSqueakAero Tire Squeak Aero ?
TireSqueakBall Tire Squeak Ball ?
TireSqueakFootball Tire Squeak Football ?
TireSqueakStick Tire Squeak Stick ?
TossnTugRing Toss & Tug Ring ?
TPRSonicBall TPR Sonic Ball ?
TPRFoamSqueakBasketball TPR/Foam Squeak Basketball ?
TPRFoamSqueakFootball TPR/Foam Squeak Football ?
TriFlyer TPR/Foam Tri-Flyer ?
TrackshotBall Trackshot Ball ?
TrackshotCycloneRing Trackshot Cyclone Ring ?
TrackshotFootball Trackshot Football ?
TrackshotInfinityTug Trackshot Infinity Tug ?
TrackshotDuck Trackshot Launching Duck ?
TrackshotFrog Trackshot Launching Frog ?
TrackshotXRing Trackshot X-Ring Ball ?
TuffTug Tuff Tug ?
TuffTurtle Tuff Turtle ?
TugRay Tug Ray ?
VortexTug Vortex Tug ?
WaveSqueakFootball Wave Squeak Football ?
Shopping Scentology Orbit Ring ?


Name Year released
Dogtreatrefill Dog Treat Refill Pack 2021
DistanceTennisBall4Pack Distance Tennis Ball Refill Pack ?

Product sets[]

Name Year released
RubberCurveBall2Pack Rubber Curve Ball 2-Pack ?


External links[]
