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Not to be confused with the Centurion's production codename.

The Javelin is a World Tech Warrior blaster that was released in 2017. It requires three "5V AG13/LR 44" batteries to operate its integrated lights.

Included contents[]


The Javelin is a crossbow blaster similar to the Nerf Zombie Strike Crossfire Bow. The bow arms come detached in the box and, unlike other crossbows, they can be detached from the blaster. When the firing trigger is pulled, a chamber in front of the trigger well lights up. It uses a smart air restrictor system, allowing a single dart to be fired from any of the four barrels. The Javelin features an integrated shoulder stock and a set of iron sights.

It advertises a firing range of up to sixty-five feet (nineteen meters).

Official description[]


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