Nerf Wiki

1998 is the 29th anniversary for the Nerf brand and the 9th anniversary for the Super Soaker brand.


Nerf products released[]

Hyper Sight[]

Name Price
Nerf-big-bad-bow Big Bad Bow 19.99 USD
Nerf hyper sight expand a blast Expand-a-Blast 19.95 USD
LOCKNLOAD Lock 'n Load 14.99 USD
MonoBlast Mono Blast 7.99 USD
RangeShotAngled Range Shot 9.99 USD

Mega Blitz[]

Name Price
Nitroquad NitroQuad 9.99 USD
Pulsator sm Pulsator 19.95 USD
RipChord RipChord 14.99 USD
TripleTorch Triple Torch 9.99 USD


Name Price
250box SuperMAXX 250 6.99 USD
Supermaxx5000 SuperMAXX 5000 24.99 USD
SuperMAXXDiscShooterLightDamage SuperMAXX Disc Shooter 19.99 USD


Name Price
4SquareNetChallenge 4-Square Net Challenge ?

Super Soaker products released[]

Classic Super Soaker[]

Name Price
SS50-10th Super Soaker 50: 10th Year Anniversary ?


Name Price
CPS1000 CPS 1000 ?
CPS1500 CPS 1500 ?
CPS2500 CPS 2500 ?
CPS3000 CPS 3000 ?


Name Price
XP110 XP-110 ?
Unknown XP-20 ?
Unknown XP-40 ?
XP70OriginalBox XP-70 ?
Unknown XP-75: Classic Series ?


Name Price
Unknown Pool Pumper Blaster ?
XPPoolPumperCannonBox Pool Pumper Cannon ?

Hasbro products released[]

Cross-promotional products[]

Star Wars[]

Name Price
NabooBlaster Naboo Blaster ?

Just Toys products released[]


Name Price
SuperMaxxBuzzerAirBazooka AirBazooka ?
EasySqueezeRapidFire6Shooter Easy Squeeze Rapid Fire 6 Shooter ?
TheProfessional The Professional ?
RapidFire10Shooter Rapid Fire 10 Shooter ?

Koosh products released[]

Koosh Vortex[]

Name Price
KooshVortexFastFire FastFire 6.99 USD
Koosh-vortex-tornado-mini-spin-fire 1 d783acaa8ab1e21b796e2ca014888d8d Mini Spin Fire Ring Refill Pack ?
Tornado Tornado 24.99 USD
Tornadox2 Tornado X/2 24.99 USD
Spinfirering Spin Fire Ring Refill Pack ?
Spinsight Spin Sight 24.99 USD

Larami products released[]

Cross-promotional products[]

Small Soldiers[]

Name Price
Unknown Dart Blaster Pistol ?
DartBlasterRifle Dart Blaster Rifle ?
CommandoElite Commando Elite Combat Set ?
Unknown Small Soldiers Blaster ?

