Nerf Wiki

Not to be confused with the 2017 Bandana or the 2017 RIVAL Team Bandana.

The Dual Face Bandana is a Nerf-branded Perpetual Play Group accessory that was released in 2013 under the Zombie Strike series.

One comes packaged in the Starter Kit product set and cannot be purchased separately.


The bandana itself has two different face patterns on it, possibly to help show who is on what team. It is supposed to act as a Nerf bandana for Humans vs. Zombies to show who is a zombie and who is a human. One face shows the lower half of a zombie's face and is meant to represent a player who has been turned into a zombie, and the other side depicts the human player.


The Dual Face Bandana was first discovered at San Diego Comic Con 2013.


  • While initially expected by some to be double-sided, it is instead printed on just one side.[1]


  1. Josh (2013-11-20). Zombiestrike Bandanna (Article). Bay Area Nerf. Archived from the original on 2016-03-31. Retrieved on 2014-03-29.