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Double Your Darts is a type of value pack for certain Nerf blasters. As its name suggests, Double Your Darts value packs come packaged with double the amount of darts that the original blaster was packaged with.

The variant for Vortex blasters is labeled as Double Your Discs.

Double Your Darts value packs[]


Name Description
Barricadedoubledarts Barricade RV-10 Double Your Darts Special Value Pack
Mav9 Maverick REV-6 Double Your Darts Special Value Pack
A Maverick REV-6 and twelve Whistler Darts.
Raiderdoubledarts Raider Rapid Fire CS-35 Double Your Darts Special Value Pack
Vulcandouble Vulcan EBF-25 Double Your Darts Special Value Pack
A Vulcan EBF-25, a ammo box, a tripod, a twenty-five dart belt, and fifty Whistler Darts.

N-Strike Elite[]

Name Description
Nerf Accustrike Disruptor Package AccuStrike Disruptor Double Your Darts Value Pack
A Disruptor, six Elite Darts, and six AccuStrike Darts.
Nerf Accustrike Firestrike Package AccuStrike Firestrike Double Your Darts Value Pack
The Elite XD Firestrike, three Elite Darts, and three AccuStrike Darts.
EliteFirestrikedoubleyourdartsboxUS Firestrike Double Your Darts Special Value Pack
A Firestrike and six Elite Darts.
RetaDYD Retaliator Double Your Darts Special Value Pack
The "economy" version of the Retaliator and twenty four Elite Darts.
RoughCut2x4DoubleYourDarts Rough Cut 2x4 Double Your Darts Special Value Pack
A Rough Cut 2x4 and sixteen Elite Darts.
Double dart Strongarm Strongarm Double Your Darts Special Value Pack
A Strongarm and twelve Deco Elite Darts.
Double dart stryfe Stryfe Double Your Darts Special Value Pack
A Stryfe and twelve Deco Elite Darts.

Double Your Discs value packs[]


Name Description
Protondouble Proton Double Your Discs Special Value Pack
A Proton and six XLR Discs.
VigilonValuePack1 Vigilon Double Your Discs Special Value Pack
A Vigilon and twenty XLR Discs.