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BallistX Blaster is a brand of Lanard blasters.


The Ballistx Blaster brand features a number of dart and ball blasters, with a majority of products being re-releases of previous Total X-Stream Air or The Corps! blasters.

BallistX Blaster products[]


Name Year released
Unknown Auto Blaster ?
BallBlaster BallistX Ball Blaster ?
Unknown Crossbow ?
CycleShot BallistXbox Cycle Shot ?
Dragonfire BallistX Dragonfire ?
Unknown Echo Blaster ?
PumpShotX4 Pump Shot X-4 ?
PumpShotX8 box Pump Shot X-8
Rotator BallistXbox Rotator ?
ShellShock BallistXbox Shell Shock ?
Unknown Slingshot ?
Tri9 BallistX Tri-9 ?
Tripleshotballistixbox Triple Shot ?

Blaster sets[]

Name Year released
Unknown Electro Target Zone ?
PumpShoxX4TwinPack Pump Shot X-4 Twin Pack ?