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Not to be confused with the Toys "R" Us blaster brand of similar name.

AirZone is a brand of Just Toys blasters that was released in 1995.

One series exists under the brand: Shots 2000.


The AirZone brand consists of dart, ball, and missile blasters.

AirZone products[]


Name Year released
MicroRapidFire Micro Rapid Fire 1995
TotalDiscStroyer Total Disc-Stroyer 6 Shooter 1995[citation needed]
SuperMaxxBuzzerAirBazooka Air Bazooka 1998
EasySqueezeRapidFire6Shooter Easy Squeeze Rapid Fire 6 Shooter 1998
Hydrodarts Hydrodarts 1998
TheProfessional The Professional 1998
RapidFire10Shooter Rapid Fire 10 Shooter 1998
PeriscopeBlaster Periscope Blaster 1999
PowerBazooka Power Bazooka 1999